Re: Fwd: Fwd: Cat Sealed In Pyramid Tomb Laments It's Fate

I can't believe they said that...
Weeeee! I just heard a 6th grade teacher telling her students that the Wingdings font was hieroglyphics! Luckily I disguised my snort of laughter as some type of mutant sneeze/hiccup, and managed to get away quickly, as I was shaking with giggles.
Thank the Sun Gods the ancient Egyptians had Wingdings... I mean, how else would they have sent each other funny forwards about the Pharaoh's latest antics?
Have A Good Weekend, Everyone!
And to think we all made a big thing over that silly thing we call the Rosetta stone. If only we had known the wingding font would unlock the key!!!
2:12 PM
Yes... with my Word document printed in Wingdings, I'm able to unlock the secrets of history.
10:59 AM
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