What I Am Thankful For (Version 1.6.06)

- I am thankful to work in a school district with lots of money, as it allows me to take long-weekend ski trips to Quebec with them.
- I am thankful that I have joined the ranks of city folk and do not have to drive 25 miles to get coffee/go to the bank/get to an airport/see friends.
- I am thankful I have friends with varied interests so that I can discuss books, learn to snowboard, screen print IHBC underwear, take walks, get new tunes, drink wine, and laugh a lot.
- I am thankful for parents that make me delicious food and freeze it in tupperware so that I can have lunches all week. They also tivo my shows for me.
- I am thankful for a family that laughs at the same things I do, çuz we're all weird in the same ways.
- I am thankful for coffee; sweet, sweet nectar of life.
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