Beware: Potent Material
Holy crap! My blog is rated R!
Mingle says that my R-rating is based on the following words:
hell (3x) - I would imagine this would be referring to Christopher's place of employment, where he ferries bankrupt souls across the River Charles.
cocks (2x) - I knew I shouldn't have used the phrase "cocks and apps". And anyway, make that 4x, suckas!
Actually, I'm kind of surprised it didn't get an NC-17, what with all the library talk and the sordid middle school drama going on here. Very risque.
I just tried it and I got an NC-17. Blame it on the critters, and their poop (7x), puke (4x) and shit (3x).
How embarrassing. NC-17 and it has nothing to do with ME.
11:04 AM
I just tried it and got a G. I'm not surprised by that. They were critical of my use of the word "hurt" and "gun" however. Sorry about that folks...
11:33 AM
HAHAHAAA! Mine is rated G. Who knew I was so family friendly?
3:10 PM
I'm G-rated, baby.
Apparently I say "suck" alot.
What about all the times I've blasted the f-bomb? Don't they count those? Sweet.
3:29 PM
Oh man, I don't even know what they would say about my love of the F-word!
3:53 PM
Mine is G, just like me...
8:36 PM
I got an NC-17.
Not surprised. Thought it would be worse. "Only appropriate for disturbed 30+ adults and Europeans" worse.
11:00 PM
mine is rated PG.....I will have to try harder next time to be more offensive.
8:03 AM
potty mouth
11:30 AM
I only got a G rating. I'm SO boring compared to you and your sassy R-rating.
Now, seriously, are you coming to le book clube tomorrow? I hope I hope!
12:29 PM
keep the filth coming.
I can't wait to see what mine rates.
5:06 PM
Oh, dear. I'm rated G. I'm so sad. Here I thought I was so hardcore. Sigh.
11:31 AM
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2:01 AM
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