Where My Head's At: Field Trips, Summer, and Memes
Wednesday and Thursday of this week were spent in an unfortunate state of mild nausea. Whether this was due to some kind of stomach bug (likely), or the fact that my eating habits have been terrible the past two weeks (also likely) I don't know for sure, but the fact remains that I have been decidedly ill. Not ill enough to warrant an absence from school- I still went on the field trip yesterday and even managed to get in a round of mini-golf (where I came in a disappointing third. Out of four. I really need to step my putt-putt game up), and enjoyed a day of relative leisure by the pool, despite it being a chilly 59 degrees. And bonus: there was only one golf-club-to-the-eye injury. However the field trip did mean a ride on the school bus, which is not fun on the best of days, but is downright unpleasant when one is feeling like they are about to throw up. But whatevs: nothing a little three-hour nap couldn't cure.
Moving on, is anyone else really excited that it's Friday? And is anyone else really excited for me that it's my last real day of school?! And that all the seventh and eighth graders are on a field trip? And that the sixth graders are pretty much watching movies and playing wiffle ball all day? Yeah, I thought so.
I also wanted to briefly mention that with summer comes SummerNPW, and judging from last year I would say that SummerNPW tends to suffer from a case of blog posting ADD. Rest assured that I will still be writing, probably just not as frequently. Because, you know, I have important things to do; making iced coffees and not killing my neighbors is very time-consuming. But please feel free to leave me comments with ideas/suggestions/requests on topics you'd like to see here on the ol' SummerNPW post-a-thon and I'll see what I can come up with from this burnt-out brain.
One more thing: I was tagged. So I'm going to play a little meme game from the lovely Kelli; I feel as though I have probably done this one word answer meme before but since
One-Word Responses
1. Where is your cell phone? desk
2. Relationship? lovely
3. Your hair? crazy
4. Work? finished!
5. Your sister? younger
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? uneventful
8. Your favorite drink? tea
9. Your dream car? electric
10. The room you're in? bright
11. Your shoes? flipflops
12. Your fears? death
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? content
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? friends
15. What are you not good at? confrontation
16. Muffin? almond
17. Wish list item? this
18. Where you grew up? NH
19. The last thing you did? showered
20. What are you wearing? jeans
21. What are you not wearing? socks
22. Your pet? Vinny!
23. Your computer? old
24. Your life? fantastic
25. Your mood? sleepy
26. Missing? sanity
27. What are you thinking about? summer
28. Your car? functional
29. Your kitchen? clean
30. Your summer? tomorrow!
31. Your favorite color? green
32. Last time you laughed? today
33. Last time you cried? Sunday
34. School? done
35. Love? definitely
yey for the meme's and easy posts. ha ha.
Congratulations on SUMMERTIME!
9:17 AM
chris says - two words regarding this summer. DUCK, BOAT!
and im not talking about some dumb tour. im talking about about stealing one of those badass crafts and hitting the atlantic!!! No sleep till Portugal!!!
9:27 AM
Words cannot express how jealous I am of your summer of leisure. Happy last day of school to you!!
11:49 AM
Enjoy your vacation! But don't forget to stop by our blogs now and then! Yesterday I went swimming at the middle school, and usually I hear the band warming up while I change in the locker room. They weren't there yesterday, and the reality of summer really hit.
Then I went to work like I will straight through Labor Day and beyond.
12:09 PM
Schools out for summer!! Hooray!!
We'll all just sit here at our desks in jealousy as you choose iced coffee over blogging.
12:22 PM
Hey! Maybe we can trade places! Because I'd much rather make iced coffees and hand out gym towels.
And really, doesn't everyone want to spend a summer in LA?
4:21 PM
Who loves summer?
We do! We do!
I knew I went into this teaching thing for a reason.
Enjoy, but check in occasionally.
We're (meaning I'M) bored a lot and live vicariously through others...
4:55 PM
I am excited it is Friday and yes, excited for you, last day of the school year, blah blah. Wait. You and Chris are going to Portugal? Are you trying to kill me with the jealousy? Sheesh.
9:34 PM
I will annoy you constantly if you stop posting. Just so you know!
10:33 PM
Congrats on your summer vacation!
I hope that you get to do all that you plan and that you truly enjoy your time.
mmm...crazy hair?...would love to see a photo.
4:45 PM
Happy Summer holidays little one!
May the neighbours be quiet and may the ice-coffees be cold!
5:33 AM
kelli- seriously- yay for memes and yay for SUMMER!
chris- I'm so glad you finally have internet! On your phone! Even if it means reading my site in the bathroom! :)
stefanie- is it possible to be TOO excited about summer?!
noelle- no worries, I'm still going to be writing! It just might not be every day, like during the school year. It seems like when I'm less busy, the less I want to write... strange, no?
l sass- I'm pretty sure I can blog while I drink iced coffee. I'll test that out this summer.
ween- Umm... no thanks! Not a huge fan of LA. San Diego? Sure!
wm- I'll be sure to keep up with my daily readings- blogs are like soap operas, when you stop reading for a while you miss so much... and yet, also so little, in my case. :)
CDM- We're not actually going to Portugal. Although the idea of stealing a duck boat and captaining it all the way to Portugal is strangely appealing.
aly- I will soldier on in the face of so much free time and continue my very own ramblings. :)
tori- Hmm... by crazy I meant more of the "needs to be cut really badly" variety.
lala- YAY! Iced coffees! Yay! Summer!
7:31 AM
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