The ins and outs of a young library media specialist's life. Rock, rock on.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Friday ABC

Despite my lack of communication with the outside world, I have somehow managed to book myself pretty solid the next few weekends. Three weekends in a row I have out-of-towners coming to visit, plus this weekend there's the quarterly pub crawl (this one's in Southie- how Good Will Hunting of us!), the Super Bowl parties, and the ice skating. Thank goodness for weekend distractions, though- after this week, I could use about 50 vacations.

Anyway, it's Friday and I'm feeling vaguely "meh" about posting today, so I figured I'd give you what you've all been waiting for: an alphabet meme! I know, you can thank me later.

A - Available or married? Why are these the only options? Happily taken.

B - Best Friend? C

C - Cake or Pie? Ice cream cake

D - Drink of Choice? Iced tea, coffee, diet Coke

E - Essential Item? Lip gloss, books, my computer

F - Favorite Color? Blue

G - Gummi Bears or Worms? Bears- they bounce, you know. Here and there and everywhere. And they have high adventures that are beyond compare.

H - Hometown? Danville, NH. Represent.

I - Indulgence? Naps, afternoon movies, expensive hair cuts

J - January or February? Oh winter- I'm an equal opportunity hater.

K - Kids & names? N/A

L - Life is incomplete without? Family, Chris, friends, laughter, books

M - Marriage Date? N/A

N - Number of Siblings? 1- younger, sister, Alexis

O - Oranges or apples? Depends on the season- oranges in summer, apples in the fall

P - Phobias/Fears? Butterflies, clowns, spiders, disease, loved ones dying

Q - Favorite Quote? Want me to pull out the Bartlett's? 'Cuz I've got one. Right here. You know I'll do it!

R - Reason to Smile? Why not? It's better than frowning.

S - Season? Fall

T - Tag three people! The first three people to read this. You know who you are!

U - Unknown fact about me: I originally wanted to work as a translator for the U.N. when I finished college, and almost applied to the Monterey Institute of International Studies. I would've studied Arabic and French.

V - Vegetable you hate? Green peppers

W - Worst habit? Spending too much time on the computer

Y - Your favorite food? Pizza, cinnamon raisin toast, burgers, chicken and rice, salad, spinach pies

Z - Zodiac? Sagittarius, the Archer


Blogger Beej rocks hardcore!

Ice Cream Cake is my favorite!

One of the many reasons for my divorce was my former spouse's incredible dislike for the chocolate "gravel" between layers of a carvel cake - perhaps the greatest man-made substance ever created.

10:33 PM

Blogger Lisa rocks hardcore!

I love that your first essential item was a lip gloss! :)

12:32 AM

Blogger stilettoheights rocks hardcore!

I love pointless surveys....

Also....I would die for a Carvel Cookie Puss Cake right now...seriously, I would give up the rest of my life for one.

how sad is that?

9:55 AM

Blogger shelleycoughlin rocks hardcore!

B- The gravelly bits are the best part of the whole ice cream cake! Man, I want me some ice cream cake right now... I don't even care if most people aren't even awake yet.

L- Lip gloss is an essential part of my being. As a human, as a girl, and as a librarian. :)

S- Oh, Cookie Puss. If you search back through my posts, you will eventually find one dedicated to my love of the CP... I'm too lazy to find a link right now.

9:08 AM


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