The ins and outs of a young library media specialist's life. Rock, rock on.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Fun Facts

My love of ninjas rivals my love of zombies. And my love of Microsoft Paint rivals my love of Photoshop. Word.


Blogger Kelly rocks hardcore!

There is a nuinja like movie coming out that looks like an asian Lord of the Rings

9:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous rocks hardcore!

I'll always have a warm spot in my heart for that kid in HS who walked around w/ "dumb chucks" (as I like to call him), whacking himself in the head a gazillion times as he relentlessly practiced. Who knew he was ahead of his time??

1:53 PM

Blogger shelleycoughlin rocks hardcore!

Gabe- Ninja III: The Domination was by far the greatest ninja movie of all time. Throwing chinese stars from telephone poles? Revolutionary AND genius.

6:19 AM


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