In Which NPW Takes Over the School

The kids were amazed to see me outside of the library. "What are you doing here?" they demanded suspiciously. I announced my new reign as homeroom teacher... and received a huge cheer! Who knew I was so very pop-u-lar amongst the 6th graders?
Easy as that, my disappointment over the non-snow day vanished. One cheer to get me through the day. I conveniently didn't mention that I was only homeroom teacher for the day. Let them hold on to a glimmer of happiness. At least until tomorrow, 7:36 a.m.
PS- I realize the picture has nothing to do with the post. But I am engaged in an epic battle for the most cute photo and we all know... I like to win.
So very crafty, I'm engaged in a online search of epic-cally-cute proportions.
2:37 PM
You can try, but you will eventually cede my inevitable victory. All Hail the Queen of Cute!
9:57 AM
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