The ins and outs of a young library media specialist's life. Rock, rock on.

Monday, October 31, 2005

School Libraries Are A Funny Place

"I've been drunk for about a week now, and I thought it might sober me up to sit in a library."
-F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

Today I just wanted to comment on the differences between how people perceive school librarians (or any librarians, for that matter), and how we really live. Although I cannot say in all honesty that the librarians I know, myself included, are "normal", we are more normal than you'd think. We do have lives outside of the library that do not involve cataloging or the Dewey decimal system.

So take a minute and think about the librarians you might know. And despite their appearance, try to imagine hanging out with them. From what I hear, they're actually a pretty wild bunch.


Blogger Krista... rocks hardcore!

I used to be a page.

I recited Dewey Decimal system codes in my dreams.

9:02 PM

Blogger Beej rocks hardcore!

Clearly, most librarians are secret porn stars. Remove some glasses, take down the hair, and all of a sudden you have a bona fide sexpot on your hands.

It's scientifically proven.

12:07 PM


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