The ins and outs of a young library media specialist's life. Rock, rock on.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wha Huh?

Oh, sorry. I didn't even notice you there. I was too busy thinking about how it's Tuesday and I'm back at school. When's the next vacation again? November? Damn, that's far away. Anyway, congrats on surviving two whole Mondays in a row without yours truly. It's really a testament to the strength of your boredom that you made it back here. Oh, and condolences to those of you that had to work this Christopher Columbus Day. It was a fine day to be alive and free from the shackles of slavery. I mean, work.

Friday night I had a visit from my lovely friend Megan and her husband. Since they hadn't been back to this neck of the woods for two years, I felt pretty lucky to snag any time with them at all, but still it was too little time to see them. We had some delicious Tex-Mex fare at the Border Café and then headed for some low-key fun at the old Davis standby, the Burren. Unfortunately, the cover band they had playing was so loud (and so terrible), we opted to just hang out at my place and have a few brews. And then they were off, back to Denver. Stupid Denver.

Saturday was so nice that Chris and I ended up walking about 8 miles. Somehow I had gotten the idea that the Harvard Square Octoberfest was Saturday, but upon walking down there and searching in vain for something festival-y, I spotted a sign informing us it was actually Sunday. Oops. So we hopped on the T to grab some fine Asian cuisine and do some Asian grocery browsing at the Super 88. Yumster. We also caught up on the season's episodes of The Office and My Name is Earl.

When Sunday came we were ready to do some fall leaf peeping (doesn't leaf peeping sound vaguely gross? whatevs, I didn't make it up), so we decided to roll up to NH and do a little nature hike to see some egrets nesting. The trail was less than stellar; it looked like someone had once raked up some leaves in the general direction of a path and tied orange construction ribbon to trees. I did get a bit of an adrenaline rush when I almost stepped on the largest garden snake I've ever seen. Chris thought it would be fun to catch it and bring it back to the city, I thought it would be fun to run away from it and never look back. Later my madre made us dinner and we drove back to the city full of roast chicken, Chris still scratching at what he imagined were deer ticks burrowing into his skin.

Although I got up pretty early on Monday morning, I still grinned to myself all day because 1. it was gorgeous out, warm and breezy and colorful, and 2. it was light out when I got up. Yesss. I also got to saunter leisurely down to the gym and fully enjoy the sauna and hot tub, then wander down to Harvard with a friend for some mid-afternoon shopping.

And that, my friends, is the proverbial that. I've gotta run, got some library ass kickin' to do. Have a good one, and enjoy this Tuesday-not-Monday.


Blogger Aaron rocks hardcore!

Yeah, I had to work, but whatever. Columbus Day is a joke anyway; that's why I celebrate Columbo Day instead. I usually celebrate by solving a murder and walking around all day looking like an unmade bed. This year, I was only able to do the latter.

8:05 AM

Blogger Kirsten rocks hardcore!

we still celebrate columbus day?


10:41 AM

Blogger shelleycoughlin rocks hardcore!

Ace- don't you do that every day?

K- Here in Massachusetts, we celebrate every holiday we can get. Personally, I can't wait until we start getting Native American holidays off, too.

12:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous rocks hardcore!

I get Caesar Chavez day off...

2:04 PM


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