Back and Forth

People. Have I taught you nothing about working in a school? You can't tell me I don't have the best job in the world when I get to play ping pong with students after school and I get paid to do it. Of course there are other considerations- like having to proctor state exams, dealing with frustrating technology issues, being blackmailed into a district spelling bee, and generally being alone here in the library with no one to answer my random library questions. Still, there's ping pong. Ping pong!
Although maybe I should have considered a career in meteorology- April 5 and it's snowing. Everyone acts all surprised, like snow in April has never occured before in New England. And I hate to say I told you so, but damn if I didn't call it with the whole "too early for flip flops" thing.
Holy crap. You blog everyday at five in the morning?
p.s. Way to go on the ping pong:)
4:45 PM
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