Ringing It In

Happy 2007!
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that 2006 was a pretty damn great year. Sure, there were some minor issues along the way. There were also great things happening, and really I can only see things looking up from here. I mean, this time last year I had never even heard of Dinosaur BBQ- what's next, BBQ Heaven?
Anyway, I have tons to tell you about my extended 10 day vacation but I think a little '06 recap is in order first:
- Foremost in '06, I met Chris. Sure, dating someone who lives 6 hours away was trying at times, but he was totally worth it. And now he's here! In Boston! With me! What could be better than that?
- I shed a few old friends who weren't pulling their weight, and made a ton of new ones.
- I learned that Rochester, NY has some great people, some fun things to do, and is pleasurable to drive around. I also learned that you should never get stuck in Central NY on the way out to Rochester, if you can help it- unless you have a season pass to visit the Museum of Petrified Creatures.
- One cousin got married, another had a baby, I became a godmother. It all happened so fast!
- I finished my first full year in a school district and signed on for another. I discovered that not only did I not waste my time getting a Master's, but that I actually love what I do. Plus, hello: the kids are hilarious.
- Two words: summer vacation.
- I moved twice- once with roommates, once with Christopher. Living with C is a hundred million times better than living with roommates.
- My first and second trips to Canada were both in 2006.
- I made more trips to Ikea in one year than the rest of my 27 years combined.
- I wrote quite a few posts (I even made it through the 30 posts in 30 days of November), met a lot of new blog peoples, and had quite a few laughs (mostly at my own expense).
You have a lot to live up to, 2007. Let's get to it.
Sounds like a pretty darned good year. Hope 07 is EVEN better. :)
7:23 PM
Thanks! I wish I was starting off the new year with a trip to New Zealand; unfortunately I am starting it off with work, work, and more work.
12:49 PM
yeah to '06 and here is to '07! can't wait to keep reading your blog. :)
12:11 AM
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