Doin' It Up W.T. Styles

- Our new neighbors- two women (friends? sisters? lovers?), each over 350 pounds, one of them the proud owner of a baby covered in a permanent layer of it's own puke. On Saturday night Chris and I were treated to a screaming fight between said women which also involved the breaking and slamming of many things. The smaller of the two bellowed phrases like: "You ruined my table and you ruined my life!" and "Who took care of you while you were pregnant and brought you Marlboro Lights?!". Oh, and did I mention this was at 1 a.m.? And it took place in their driveway? Which is directly below our bedroom window? Amusing, yes.
- Our NH shopping excursion to continue the quest for a couch. My mother informed me of a sale going on at Furniture World and mentioned I should stop by there. I am here to tell you that my mother owes both Chris and I a written apology for making us waste 15 minutes of our lives in that hell hole. Think I'm kidding? There was a couch covered in stone-washed denim with little denim bows, people. No joke.
- Chris's first trip to the Christmas Tree Shops*. He was appropriately amazed and disgusted in equal portions. He also made up a game where he'd exclaim over ridiculous items ("Is that a boot tray?!?!") and try to get people excited enough to pick one up and put it in their cart. It's amazing what the power of suggestion can do in a place like the CTS. All I can say is, I tried to warn him.
*PS: For you New Yorkers I'd like to say- lucky you!
Seriously. I think my mother's on crack or something.
Also: I HAVE INTERNET! In my apartment!
7:07 PM
Apropos of nothing (certainly not this post), here's a bunch of behind-the-scenes vids of Harry Potter 5. 'Cause I know you like the magic and the whatnot:
Wizard battle!
7:08 PM
At least you know what your neighbors are fighting about. I only catch snippets over the fence. Last week the cops came to the other neighbor's apartment. Helicopters! Search lights!
I still have no idea what happened.
This is why my husband insists we will not buy a house next to an apartment building. Renting one is bad enough.
And maybe the worst part is that we're in a good part of town.
I also might be sad that there is no picture of the denim couch.
7:18 PM
Hee. Your new neighbours sound like FUN!
2:46 AM
OMG. I cannot stop laughing. All my coworkers are looking at me in contempt and I don't even care!
8:39 AM
Aaron: I totally watched every one of those clips. This movie is going to rock. For reals. Also: I can't make the 16th- I almost forgot one of my oldest friends from high school is getting married that day. Boo.
W: Helicopters! Our neighbors aren't ghetto enough to warrant helicopters, I guess, just C and I peeping through the blinds to make sure they weren't stabbing each other with cigarette butts.
Aly: Want 'em? I'll buy them a one-way to Sydney.
TCOT: Wee! Thanks!
8:58 AM
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