Things For Which I Am Thankful*: The Early Edition

- Day 21 of NaBloPoMo (almost done! my weekends will soon be post free)
- 1/2 day at school
- Pig races!
- Thanksgiving tomorrow (scrumdiddlyumptious)
- My birthday the day after (presents and Cookie Puss!)
- Turkey
- My friends and family and my Christopher
So what are you thankful for?
*...but I am not thankful to you, grammar, for making my blog titles difficult.
i'm thankful for socks and sharpie markers.
1:00 PM
I'm thankful for air conditioning. I love air conditioning.
2:34 PM
I love Cookie Puss! I had a Fudgie the Whale a couple of years ago.
I'm thankful for November birthdays - mine is next week!
5:51 PM
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