The ins and outs of a young library media specialist's life. Rock, rock on.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Yay or Nay?

In the wise words of Diddy:

Can't nobody take my pride
uh-uh, uh-uh
can't nobody hold me down... ohhh no
I got to keep on movin.

And move I will! By December 1st I will be all moved into a new place, in the same city- please, I can only handle so much change at a time. Last night we signed our lives away and basically have 24 hours to make a solid decision that this place is for us. And because both Chris and I seem to be incapable of making solid decisions lately, I am going to list out the pros and cons and let all you people do the hard part for me! (But please do it quickly, as I have to write out a check this afternoon):

  • The place is huge, two bedrooms, enclosed porch, refinished hardwood floors, living room, dining room, brand new kitchen and bathroom.
  • We got a sweet deal with the price and I won't be paying more than I already do.
  • The street is non-permit, which is clutch since C & I both have out of state license plates. It's also very rare to find non-permit parking anywhere in the city.
  • It's right near both the highway (so I can get to work) and the route Chris takes to work.
  • There's a possibility I could have a little dog.
  • It's a quiet neighborhood.
  • We would get to live above the landlord, who is very interested in making the apartment awesome and also has a sweet Greek accent and might make us baklava if we ask nicely.


  • The apartment is far from the T. Probably too far to walk in the bitter cold of winter. In fact, I don't even know if there is a bus stop that's nearby. I should check on that today. Basically, this means I would have to drive everywhere, which sucks bad in the city. This should count a double con, I think. One of the things I like best about the apartment now is walking everywhere.
  • The apartment is right above the landlord. Seriously, it would be just us and him. And while I enjoy the Greek accent, I don't know that I want a landlord that is able to "pop by" any old time he feels like a chat.
  • There's a possibility I won't be able to have a dog, little or otherwise.
  • We have to pay a rental agency fee to get this place. Like writing a huge ass check for two months rent up front while still paying for your current place isn't a big enough kick in the ass, I need to give a realty dude an extra $700 out of my pocket.

I think that's it. Those are the major factors that are swimming around in this crazy brain of mine. What say you?


Anonymous Anonymous rocks hardcore!

Go for it!!! The driving thing isn't THAT big of a could always drive to the T and then go from there. Or, as I have done, get a bike and use that...almost as nice as walking and even better as a workout.
I've lived in the same place as a landlord 2x, and i must say, it wasn't bad at all. Stuff got done faster, and you get to wait to the last minute to get them the rent check, since you don't have to stick it in the mail.
There's no avoiding the realtor fee in Boston, so just suck it's worth it.

12:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous rocks hardcore!

Mumsie Lou says DO IT

6:14 AM

Blogger shelleycoughlin rocks hardcore!

Wow. Two whole comments. You'd think no one CARED if I moved into some craphole shack or if C & I became squatters in the bitter cold month of December.

I need feedback, people!

12:00 PM


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