So Close...

Peeps. Not much time to post today, but I didn't want you to cry in my absence. My weekend was jammed full, and I'm sure you've all been hitting refresh on your browser just waiting for me to fill you in, so let's get down to it.
First and foremost, Nahil had her baby, Aidan, on Friday at 10:55 p.m. I got to visit him bright and early on Saturday morning, hooray! He is nothing short of perfection. I must have given him a thousand kisses on his beautiful little peanut head. You know how some babies are wrinkly and look like aliens when they're first born? Well not my Aidan. He came out as beautiful as his mother. (And didn't have his father's orange hair. Phew.)
Also noteworthy but less important, I was named Queen of Sangria on Friday night when I whipped up a batch for a friend's BBQ. It may have rained on our parade a bit (or all weekend), but that didn't stop us from enjoying my fruity wine beverage and various grilled things.
The rest of the weekend was spent cleaning like a banshee (banshees totally clean house, so shut it) and getting stuff ready for some NY time.
Because in case you weren't already insanely jealous of my life, after tomorrow I am on SUMMER VACATION!
True, I had to wake up this morning while both of my roommates were still slumbering pleasantly in their beds because they already finished school. And yes, I had to give a presentation today on search engines. But I am so close to being done I can taste it. Tomorrow the puffer fish will be released into the wild deeps of the Atlantic off the coast of Cape Cod. Tomorrow I will pack up all the summer reading books I want to get through. Tomorrow we will enjoy a teacher luncheon, all together, for one final hurrah before we split up to regroup for a few months. Tomorrow I will wave goodbye to my crumbly, beloved library. For a little while at least.
Tomorrow, tomorrow.
"the noise is coming out
and if it's not out now
then tomorrow, tomorrow
they took your life apart
and called your failures art
they were wrong, though
they wont know 'til tomorrow"
Oh, poor, dead Elliott. What was my point? Oh, yes, before you depart on your vaca, could you send me your address again? I seem to have misplaced it. Then, you = awesome CD owner.
6:12 PM
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